Dying Without a Will | MW Estate Planning

Dying without a Will I had a call today from a client who unfortunately lost his mother to COVID-19 recently. The problem is he can’t find a Will and is pretty sure she never made one. I gave him the address of the National Will Archive but assuming there is no Will she has died INTESTATE. Dying Intestate means dying without a Will and can cause all sorts of problems, pain and extra hassle. The heartache from not knowing what the deceased wanted to happen Potential for family disputes about the estate distribution Applying for Probate will take longer Potential disputes over who is best to act as Executor Generally, pain and problems simply because they didn’t make even a standard Will cost around £125. I have two documents that I’m happy to share, just message me and I’ll forward them on Rules of Intestacy Flow Chart Guide to applying for Probate For more information or to arrange a FREE consultation contact Matthew Wildeman STEP Aff. MSWW T: 01202 0...